Droid from the future concept. Robot model from Cadnav, cube map is courtesy of Spiney.
Rendered using
Nebula Render
Urban exterior illuminated by the Sun and the sky. Scene made by Hai le.
Rendered using
Nebula Render
VMD "Organelle", using vdW-representation and rendered using analytical spheres.
Model courtesy Carsten Kutzner, MPI BPC, Goettingen.
Rendered with the
high-fidelity visualization toolkit.
The Utah Fairy (174k triangles), rendered with textures, transparency, and shadows.
Model originally modelled using DAZ3Ds DAZ Studio.
Rendered with the
high-fidelity visualization toolkit.
The "xfrog" model of 1.7 billion (instanced) triangles and transparency textures.
Model originally created using XFrog, model courtesy Oliver Deussen, University of Konstanz.
Rendered with the
high-fidelity visualization toolkit.